Leading infrastructure provider increases 4G revenue

A leading telecommunications company providing critical infrastructure to the UK’s mobile networks needed to respond to Ofcom’s directive. The UK’s 4G rollout programs had to be delivered in a specified timeframe – which proved very challenging.

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  • Meet regulatory and licence obligations in tight timescales
  • Build a best-in-class infrastructure and avoid damaging client relationships
  • Revitalise the delivery plan to focus on delivery capability
  • Re-define end-to-end operating processes and organisational design
  • Develop new business tools and systems to deliver the desired benefits
Solution 2
  • Mentor ran an independent program review – using the MentorBlueprint™ 
  • Mentor met Executive members to understand their perception of the problems and what solutions were needed
  • Built a detailed and targeted recovery plan – addressing the underlying causes of failure and establishing a more robust program action plan to increase the chances of success
  • 100 to 350 – sites per month with accelerated site delivery
  • Revitalised delivery plan and achieved 195% revenue uplift
  • Program organisational redesign resulted in increased site delivery
  • Greater efficiency through redefined end-to-end operating processes
  • Implementation of new business critical tools and systems

Mentor basically worked across our team, and engaged with our customers as well, to understand how it was seen. It was multifaceted in terms of understanding the problems from a company perspective and a customer perspective.

Former CEO

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