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Why Choose Us

Mentor has seen it all. From helping greenfield startups launch – to working with large global companies – to delivering business-critical programs worth hundreds of millions of pounds. See what industry leaders have to say about Mentor.

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If you need somebody to come in and hit the ground running, Mentor have access to a great team of professionals.

Belinda Fawcett,
Former Interim CEO of Cornerstone

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In practice, large programs are difficult. You do need the expertise and Mentor can provide that expertise.

David Crawford,
Former Managing Director Cellnex

Mentor is a great partner. They get to understand what it is you are looking to achieve; bring great substance, great people, great knowledge. They help you to get to the other side.

Simon Beresford-Wylie,
Former Arqiva CEO

I’d sum up Mentor as basically having two things: One is industry technical expertise that really understands the industry. And then this upfront method of executing programs.

They don’t try and over fluff things, they give it you straight so you know what you’re dealing with. So you get straight talking, a high degree of expertise and a real commitment to what the answer needs to be and strong execution, so you get things done.

The fact that I have been using Mentor for the last ten years is a real credit for their execution record.

Derek McManus
COO, Telefonica UK

I left Tele2 in the first quarter in 2016 with a mobile business that had been launched for six months and was boasting coverage of around 95-100% in terms of population and geographic coverage in the Netherlands and was voted one of the best 4G networks in the world. It was an amazing mobile network that had been created by the team there in Tele2, and did an exceptional job, but they wouldn’t have been able to do it within the timescale without the support of Mentor.

For me, Mentor are an organisation that have a lot of experience and skill, a lot of industry veterans who have been around big projects and programs and have delivered them effectively over the years.

Jeff Dodds
Chief Operating Officer, Virgin Media O2 (former Tele2 CEO)

We built Three, Hutchison’s new mobile entrant in the UK. This was a huge undertaking – a £10 billion start-up operation, one of the largest there has been – and we needed an awful lot of help in building the business from scratch.

Mentor brings a deep understanding of the business we’re in – an understanding of the clients’ needs and where the business needed to go to. They brought a deep operational understanding of the business.

Tim Pennington
Millicom CFO (former Three CFO)

With Mentor you get deep and wide experience of managing change in the telecommunications industry. As in any change management process, you have to understand your baseline: where are you? So part of the Mentor approach was providing us with a gap analysis, recommendations on how they should be closed, and an understanding of the huge interdependencies between the different programs.

I was very clear I was getting the “A-team” and I really appreciated their ability to roll up their sleeves and work with people in the business. Mentor is very practical. You get deep industry experience, a very strong track record, and an uncompromising and very honest approach to the assessment of the situation.

Paul Donovan
Former Eir CEO

Mentor were very hands-on, practical and get-things-done specialists rather than the more theoretical approach we all know. They quickly made a difference. They are also a great bunch of guys, in terms of how they communicate and build relationships.

When you employ Mentor, you get seasoned, experienced professionals. You’re not getting theory. You’re getting guys who have been there at the coalface and done it.

When you start a major program, don’t wait until you encounter difficulties before you engage the experts. Bring in companies like Mentor to build the approach, build the processes and the Program Office and then set off in a quality way rather than doing this at a later date.

David Sangster
Managing Director, G.Networks

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We are ‘hands-on’ specialists in accelerating strategy execution – with over 30 years of frontline experience in IT, telecoms, media, and service industries.