‘Mobile-Centric’ Fibre
Whitepaper on creating a new fibre network to meet the unique needs of Mobile Operators
Whitepaper on creating a new fibre network to meet the unique needs of Mobile Operators
Mobile Operators have two burning problems: increasing capacity in their 4G networks and laying the foundations for 5G. How can we make a huge dent in these problems?
The latest spectrum auction and MIMO technology give MNOs some breathing space. But with data growth of +40% a year – they don’t buy us much time.
Mentor’s whitepaper on ‘Mobile-Centric’ Fibre spells out how Mobile Operators can economically drive their network densification plans – using a state-of-the-art Dark Fibre solution. Download now to find out:
What is ‘Mobile-Centric’ Fibre?
Why the UK needs a new fibre network, specifically for mobile
What’s wrong with traditional fibre ‘lit’ solutions
The Business Case for ‘Mobile-Centric’ Fibre
Mobile Operators have two burning problems: increasing capacity in their 4G networks and laying the foundations for 5G. How can we make a huge dent in these problems?
The latest spectrum auction and MIMO technology give MNOs some breathing space. But with data growth of +40% a year – they don’t buy us much time
Mentor’s whitepaper on ‘Mobile-Centric’ Fibre spells out how Mobile Operators can economically drive their network densification plans – using a state-of-the-art Dark Fibre solution. Download now to find out about: