We know that only 30% of business-critical programs are successful. So what would you do if you just had to make your next strategic program work?
Working with many organisations over the years we’ve discovered 5 critical success factors you need to have in place to get your strategic program over the line.
On this page, we share our latest thinking and insight on what you need to have in place to ensure your business-critical program succeeds.
Bookmark this page to stay up to date on how to manage your programs and sign up for our regular blogs on the subject.
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For any strategic program to succeed, we found that businesses cannot afford to drop 6 critical balls.
We’ve applied the learnings, from decades of experience in strategic program management, to pinpoint what guarantees success – today.
Read on and you’ll discover:
Why the pressure is on to deliver more – better and faster
Why programs miss the mark over-and-over again – with shocking ease
The 6 balls you just can’t afford to drop when running any program
How you can rapidly get relief from firefighting and crisis management
Read our insight guide and let us know if you recognise any – or all 6 balls.
We’ve spent the last 30 years helping organisations achieve strategic program success. In nearly every case, people involved have the right attitude, but are let down by programs that are organised to fail.
Lack of alignment between the executive team and the people carrying out the work
Unrealistic objectives and plans
Poor supplier management with an “us and them” attitude
Lack of confidence in other people and functions working interdependently
These are just a few examples of what we’ve found
Now, we have research-based evidence which precisely measures the impact of these behavioural factors on program performance.
For the first time, it’s possible to use scientific analysis to know where and how to fix problems and get your program back on track.
Our Insight Guide has the full set of data and insights.
Discover how MEI can predict and intercept program failure patterns ensuring your program’s success – before they occur.
Too many organisations underestimate operational requirements and execution. They look at massive strategic programs, critical to their success and just assume their organisation can deliver them. That is a massive gap in most organisations.
Jeff Dodds, COO, Virgin Media (former CEO, Tele2 Netherlands)
We’ve created a series of short videos on how to make Program Execution a core capability for your organisation.
Find out:
How business-critical programs are different to BAU and why it’s important to understand their complexity and unique characteristics
How to bridge the gap between strategy and execution
How to recognise the first signs that your program is in trouble, maybe a critical milestone has failed to come about, or a key supplier has objected to extra work
The importance of having a separate program organisation and why not to use the BAU formula
Why a program healthcheck can help scale the problem, highlight areas for change and proposes new answers
Read our latest thinking on program management. Find out more about why program set up is key to success and the 5 critical factors that must be in place if a business-critical program is to succeed.
Read more on our latest findings and watch the video to find out more about how The MentorBlueprint has helped companies successfully recover off-track programs.
Watch the video and find out more about how Mentor can help you guarantee your program success.
Watch my interview with Total Telecom on why so many business-critical programs miss the mark.
Read the opinion article to find out how to identify and remove the 6 barriers that can delay program delivery.
Watch the video and find out why Telco executives give a “thumbs up” to Mentor’s unrivaled program execution approach, and are their partner of choice.
Explore our YouTube channel to learn more about Mentor, our approach to program execution, and how we can work with you to guarantee your program succeeds.